“I am never proud to participate in violence, yet I know that each of us must care enough for ourselves that we can be ready and able to come to our own defense when and wherever needed.”

— Maya Angelou

Classroom portions are held in Hercules, CA. The range we use to qualify is United Sportsmen Inc (USI) in Concord, CA. All requests for cancellation should be emailed to info@shieldsdefensellc.com. Any requests for cancellation within 48 hours of class will forfeit range fees.

Please visit the link below to view the videos and fill out the waiver required to shoot at USI’s range PRIOR to coming to class. We are still approved to train at San Leandro Rifle and Pistol at individual’s request for private sessions.

United Sportsmen Waiver

Solano County/Contra Costa County CCW Initial

This 16-hour course closely follows the USCCA Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals curriculum. This course is for initial applicants for Solano or Contra Costa County’s CCW program. Situational awareness, knowing the law, and weapon handling are some of the many topics that will be covered. A holster is required (you will not be able to qualify with a weapon you don’t have a holster for), 200 rounds of ammunition for every weapon you wish to qualify with, as well as eye and ear protection. NO AMMUNITION WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM. THIS IS A 2-DAY COURSE!


Solano County/Contra Costa County CCW Renewal

For returning Solano and Contra Costa County CCW applicants. This course offers a refresher on the fundamental aspects of concealed carrying. This is an 8-hour course. A holster is required, 100 rounds of ammunition for every weapon you plan to qualify with, as well as eye and ear protection. THIS IS A 2-DAY COURSE! NO AMMUNTION WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM


Train with us!

We will have multiple days setup this year where we will be on the range training, and we would like to invite you to train with us! We will be training on the action range which means every person who wishes to train with us MUST have a holster. There will be two separate levels: 1) These days will be focused on fundamentals, and beginner level shooters are welcome to come out and join us. 2) These days will be focused on more advanced drills, target transitions, movement and shot strings. These will be for more advanced shooters who want to push themselves. These trainings will require the user to be very comfortable with their firearm and have multiple magazines.